We had a tiny list of six bird species all viewed from the bridge. We likely would have had more birds but sadly it was very misty and most of the birds were just forms in the haze. We did however find a juvenile Glaucous Gull hanging out on the ice twenty feet or so from the bridge. It was loosely associated with a small and spacey group of two Ring-billed Gulls and two Great Black-backed Gulls. We also saw: Mallards, Hooded Mergansers and a Great Blue Heron.
The Glaucous Gull was a lifer for me and my family. It was a pale mottled brown and white with pink bill and legs (the bill had black tip). At one point the Gull took off in hot pursuit of a Ring-billed Gull (very likely the Ring-bill was in possesion of a morsel of food always a good inscentive for a gull) the Glaucous Gull then returned to his previous location on the ice. It was very likely the rarest bird we have ever discovered with out help!
Ps My New Years resolution was to get more up to date on my blog so I am going to skip ahead to the more recent sightings, I will post about older trips in my spare time.
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